NOTES to the financial statements
1. Accounting Principles
1.1 General aspects
These financial statements were prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Swiss Law on Accounting and Financial Reporting (32nd title of the Swiss Code of Obligations). Where not prescribed by law, the significant accounting and valuation principles applied are described below.
Investis Holding SA was incorporated on 7 June 2016 and registered in the commercial register of the Canton Zurich on 8 June 2016.
As Investis Holding SA has prepared its consolidated financial statements in accordance with a recognised accounting standard (Swiss GAAP FER), it has decided, as the law allows, not to present additional information on interest-bearing liabilities and audit fees in the notes, and not to present a cash flow statement.
1.2 Assets
Assets are valued at no more than their acquisition cost. Exceptions are current assets with an observable market price, which are valued at the stock price or market value on the balance sheet date. All changes in value are recognised in the income statement. No value fluctuation reserves have been formed.
1.3 Loans and investments
Loans to Group companies and investments in subsidiaries are carried at acquisition costs less necessary depreciation.
1.4 Bonds
Bonds are recognised in the balance sheet at nominal value. Issuance costs upon issue are offset against any applicable discounts and the surplus is charged to the income statement.
2. Information on balance sheet and income statement items
2.1. Loans
2.2. Investments
The list of legal entities held directly or indirectly by the company and consolidated at Investis Group level, is published in Note 26 of the consolidated financial statements in this report.
2.3 Bonds
A CHF 100 million bond maturing on 15 November 2021 was issued on 15 November 2016. The coupon is 0.55%. Information on loan conditions is published in Note 16 of the consolidated financial statements in this report.
2.4. Equity
Investis Holding SA was incorporated on 7 June 2016. The share capital was paid-up by a contribution in kind. On 4 July 2016 the capital increase of 2,800,000 shares in connection with the initial public offering was completed. The gross proceeds amounted to CHF 148 million.
At the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of Investis Holding SA held on 17 June 2016 it was resolved to create conditional share capital pursuant to which the share capital may be increased by a maximum amount of CHF 30,000 by issuing a maximum of 300,000 shares, under the exclusion of shareholders’ pre-emptive rights, in favour of directors, members of the Executive Board and employees of the Group in the context of a management incentive plan.
As at 31 December 2016, share capital amounted to CHF 1.28 million, composed of 12,800,000 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.10 each. All outstanding shares are entitled to dividends and confer the right to one vote per share at the company’s general meetings.
2.5 Income from investments in subsidiaries
In 2016 the dividend from investments in subsidiaries amounted to CHF 30.0 million.
2.6. Personnel expenses
Information on personnel expenses for the Board of Directors and the Executive Board is published in the compensation report in this annual report.
3. Other information
3.1 Full-time equivalents
Investis Holding SA has no employees.
3.2 Significant shareholders
Upon listing on 30 June 2016, Stéphane Bonvin was the only significant shareholder. As at 31 December 2016, the board of directors is aware of the following shareholders and groups of shareholders that hold at least 3% of the voting rights in the Company:
Stéphane Bonvin owned 9,751,080 shares or 76.18% of the outstanding share capital.
3.3 Share ownership
Members of the Board of Directors
As at 31 December 2016 the non-executive members of the Board of Directors (including their related parties) held the following Investis shares.
Members of the Executive Board
(including the executive member of the Board of Directors)
As at 31 December 2016 the executive member of the Board of Directors and the members of the Executive Board (including their related parties) held the following Investis shares.
3.4 events after the balance sheet date
On 14 February 2017 Investis Holding SA issued a CHF 140 million fixed-rate bond with a coupon of 0.25% and a tenor of two years (until 14 February 2019). The proceeds were used to repay mortgages.
There are no other significant events after the balance sheet date which could impact the book value of the assets or liabilities or which should be disclosed here.