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1. Accounting Principles

1.1 General aspects

These financial statements were prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Swiss Law on Accounting and Financial Reporting (32nd title of the Swiss Code of Obligations). Where not prescribed by law, the significant accounting and valuation principles applied are described below.

As Investis Holding SA has prepared its consolidated financial statements in accordance with a recognised accounting standard (Swiss GAAP FER), it has decided, as the law allows, not to present additional information on interest-bearing liabilities and audit fees in the notes, and not to present a cash flow statement.

1.2 Assets

Assets are valued at no more than their acquisition cost. Exceptions are current assets with an observable market price, which are valued at the stock price or market value on the balance sheet date. All changes in value are recognised in the income statement. No value fluctuation reserves have been formed.

1.3 Loans and investments

Loans to Group companies and investments in subsidiaries are carried at acquisition costs less any necessary depreciation.

1.4 Bonds

Bonds are recognised in the balance sheet at nominal value. Issuance costs upon issue are offset against any applicable discounts and the surplus is charged to the income statement. 

1.5 Treasury shares

Treasury shares directly held are recognised at acquisition cost and deducted from equity. For treasury shares held by a subsidiary, a reserve for treasury shares is created with a corresponding entry in the voluntary retained earnings. Gains and losses on the use/sale are recognised in legal capital reserves.