Real estate services
Investis Real Estate Services is active through well-known local brands across Switzerland
In the Real Estate Services business segment, Investis pursues two activities throughout Switzerland, namely Property Management and Facility Services. This business segment generated a revenue of CHF 148 million in 2018, with an EBIT margin of 5.2%.
Rents under management came to CHF 1.74 billion (as per 31 December 2018), representing an organic increase of CHF 60 million in 2018 (2017: increase of CHF 100 million).
property management
Property Management activities are offered by Privera AG and Régie du Rhône SA.
Investis’ Property Management covers all real estate services throughout the lifecycle of properties, whether residential buildings, commercial buildings or shopping centers. These services include:

facility services
The Group companies active in Facility Services are Hauswartprofis AG, Synergie Services Facility Management SA, AGD Renovationen AG, Chauffage-Assistance SA and Clim-Assistance SA.
Investis’ Facility Services offers a wide range of services for the maintenance of buildings and outdoor services for residential, office and commercial buildings, and shopping centers. The particular services are: