Independent valuer’s report
Market value of the Investis portfolio as at December 31, 2022
Investis has commissioned CBRE (Geneva) SA to perform the valuation, for accounting purposes, of 149 buildings included in their portfolio as at December 31, 2022. The individual properties were valued at market value. They are mainly residential properties located in the French part of Switzerland.
Within this independent valuer’s report, Investis’ definition of “building” is calculated on the basis of one entrance door equals one building.
CBRE carried out the valuations in accordance with the valuation principles set out by the Swiss GAAP FER 18 and by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Valuation – Global Standards 2022 which incorporate the International Standards and the relevant RICS national or jurisdictional supplement (“the Red Book”). We confirm that, based on our extensive expertise of the local and national real estate markets and our professional knowledge and ethical skills, we can provide a comprehensive and independent valuation of the portfolio, in accordance with Swiss GAAP FER 18 and the RICS Valuation Standards.
The properties were valued in accordance with VS 3.2 of the Valuation Standards (9th Edition – Red Book), which is defined as follows:
“The estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in arm’s-length transaction, after proper marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion”.
Most assets of the portfolio are held as investment properties. Certain properties are held for sale.
A. Investment properties
Investment properties are estimated at market value using the discounted cashflow method (DCF). The tool used to perform the valuation work is the software “Immopac”.
Under DCF method, all incomes and costs associated with one property are reviewed and estimated in order to calculate the net cash flow for each year of the period under review (10 years). Various parameters are considered for the period under review, amongst which fluctuations in rent due to contractual agreements and to evolution of market rents, expenses for ongoing maintenance, repairs and other renovations, vacancy periods, etc.
At the end of the 10 years, the sale of the property is simulated, whereby the property is valued using the income capitalization method. This is based on stabilized rental income and an appropriate return on investment.
The resulting cashflows for the period under review, including the simulation of the sale, are discounted to the valuation date using an estimated discount rate derived from the capital market. The discount rate is composed of a basis rate (rate free-risk and inflation), real estate market risk and property specific risks. The average real discount rate weighted by the market value of the investment properties is 2.74% as of December 31, 2022. This present value is the market value of the property.
In accordance with Swiss practice and for comparison purpose, transfer costs (i.e. broker, notary, land register costs, etc.) are not considered.
B. Development properties
Developments properties were valued using the residual method. It should be noted that the residual methodology is very sensitive to changes in the assumptions considered. Changes in variables such as sales/rental volumes or construction costs will have a material effect on the residual value. As a result, the residual value is likely to vary considerably depending on the market conditions. For Development properties, we based our assumptions on the budgeted costs of the outstanding work and on the estimated delivery date provided by Investis.
An impairment test has been made by Investis to compare the market value at valuation date calculated with the DCF method and the value at cost at valuation date of each development. For the developments and investment properties under construction, the market value at valuation date calculated with the DCF method is higher than the value at cost at valuation date. That is why, the values at cost at valuation date for each development have then been taken into account in the total market value.
C. Properties held for sale
Valuation of the properties held for sale are valued based on estimates of prices per sqm derived from comparable properties sales and properties on sale within the last twelve months.
For the properties held for sale, the market value at valuation date calculated with the DCF method is higher than the value at cost at valuation date. That is why, the values at cost at valuation date for each property held for sale have then been taken into account in the total market value.
As CBRE started valuing Investis portfolio in 2019, all properties have now been visited. Every year, a third of the properties are re-visited.
All the documentation provided was examined thoroughly and in-depth analysis of each asset was performed, including SWOT analysis and a review of the quality of the estate (construction type and condition) and its location (micro and macro location). Vacant premises have been estimated taking into consideration reasonable marketing period and costs.
Properties visited in 2022
The market value of the Investis’ portfolio, on the assumption of unrestricted ownership, is:
mCHF 1,507.9 as at December 31, 2022
This value is based on our current knowledge of the premises and of the real estate market and assuming that there will be no unforeseen events affecting the value of the portfolio.
See below for further details.
For the following properties, CBRE discloses market values according to the previously mentioned valuation methods. As such, the above total takes into consideration the book value and not the CBRE estimated market value.
CBRE assessed the market value of the three following properties Route d’Aproz 65 in Sion, Route de Crans 85 in Lens and Route du Rawyl 10 in Crans-Montana. However, the above total market value of mCHF 1,507.9 also includes fitting costs from Investis for these three properties in the amount of mCHF 4.7.
Changes during reporting period
The following changes occurred between December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2022:
Acquired properties:

Sold Properties:

Special Assumptions
We considered a special assumption for two properties of the portfolio.
For the property located Route d’Aproz 65 in Sion, the special assumption that the leasehold agreement expiring in 2058 will be extended for an additional 60 years as mentioned in the agreement with La Bourgeoisie de Sion giving the large investment to build the infrastructure. The new expiring date is 2118.
For the property located Route de Crans 85 in Lens, the special assumption that the leasehold agreement expiring 2065 will be extended for an additional 50 years as mentioned in the agreement with La Bourgeoisie de Lens also giving the large investment to build the infrastructure. The new expiring date is 2115.
Heightened Market Volatility :
We would draw your attention to the fact that a combination of global inflationary pressures (leading to higher interest rates) and the recent geopolitical events in Ukraine – in addition to the on-going effects of the global Covid-19 pandemic, in some markets – has heightened the potential for greater volatility in property markets over the short-to-medium term. Past experience has shown that consumer and investor behavior can quickly change during periods of such heightened volatility. You should note that the conclusions set out in this report are only valid as at the valuation date and any lending or investment decisions should reflect this. Where appropriate, we would recommend that the valuation is closely monitored, as we continue to track how market participants respond to current events.
Sustainability Considerations :
Wherever appropriate, sustainability and environmental matters are an integral part of the valuation approach. “Sustainability” is taken to mean the consideration of such matters as environment and climate change, health and well-being and corporate responsibility that can or do impact on the valuation of an asset. In a valuation context, sustainability encompasses a wide range of physical, social, environmental, and economic factors that can affect value. The range of issues includes key environmental risks, such as flooding, energy efficiency and climate, as well as matters of design, configuration, accessibility, legislation, management, and fiscal considerations – and current and historic land use.
Sustainability has an impact on the value of an asset, even if not explicitly recognised. Valuers reflect markets, they do not lead them. Where we recognise the value impacts of sustainability, we are reflecting our understanding of how market participants include sustainability requirements in their bids and the impact on market valuations.
The market value is determined based on:
- - information and documents provided by Investis Holding SA or/and by Third Parties instructed by Investis Holding SA,
- - inspections of the premises under review performed by CBRE.
CBRE assumes, without further verifications, that Investis Holding SA or/and Third Parties instructed by Investis Holding SA have provided all the information and documents relevant for the preparation of the valuation report. If CBRE has not received all the necessary information and documents from Investis Holding SA, Investis Holding SA himself will be held accountable for the completeness of such information and documents. It is also assumed that the information and documents provided are correct and relevant at the time of the assessment.
CBRE has not carried out or commissioned any legal, structural or other specific investigations.
The addressee of this report is exclusively Investis Holding SA. The contents of the expert opinion may only be used for the stated purpose. No responsibility whatsoever is assumed towards Third Parties for the entire content or extracts from the content.

Sönke Thiedemann, CFA, MRICS
Senior Director
RICS Registered Valuer
T: +41 44 226 30 08
For and on behalf of
CBRE (Geneva) SA
Valuation & Advisory Services

Yves Cachemaille, MRICS
Senior Director
RICS Registered Valuer
T: +41 21 721 20 70
For and on behalf of
CBRE (Geneva) SA
Valuation & Advisory Services