Sustainability & People
Investis firmly believes that long-term value creation depends on the successful integration of economic, social and environmental performance and that this must be part of the Group’s DNA at all levels and in all business areas. In order to achieve our ambitious sustainability goals in our portfolio, a sustainability manager was hired from mid-2022 reporting directly to the CFO, and addressing all ESG issues within the Group. The aim is to formulate strategies and integrate them sustainably into property life cycles and into the Group’s Services segment.
Investis’ materiality assessment is based on two key factors. Financial materiality reflects how value is created for the Group, while environment materiality focuses on reducing the Group’s emissions and other negative impacts on the environment.
Real estate portfolio
Sustainable development is a constant concern in the management of Investis’ property portfolio management. While for many years the focus has been on the comfort of tenants during interior renovations, Investis is now also committed to reducing the carbon footprint of its property portfolio with a view to achieving the objectives of the Swiss government’s 2050 Energy Strategy, which is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero (Net Zero Strategy). As an intermediate step, the Climate 2030 plan in the Canton of Geneva aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60% by 2030 (Plan climat cantonal 2030 – baseline of 1990).
Numerous measures have already been undertaken over recent years, such as replacing/upgrading windows, installing adjustable hydro ventilations and new heating systems as well as replacing elevators with more energy-efficient models. During flat renovations, for example, jet regulators have been systematically fitted on taps. Investis also follows cantonal programs to reduce electricity consumption, such as ECO21 in Geneva. The products used for the maintenance of the building’s common areas are also eco-labelled. Overall, Investis has taken into account all specific cantonal regulations in Geneva (such as SABRA, LDTR or LCI) and Vaud (LPPL, LATC) as well as local initiatives like ECO21 as mentioned, in its annual renovation programs.
Joining the SSREI index in 2022 formalised an approach that had already been well-established in the portfolio management principles for many years.
The structure of the index is based on the Swiss Sustainable Building Standard (SNBS) which allows a comprehensive assessment of the state of a building in the areas of environment (e.g. primary energy source, resource management, energy consumption measurement), economy (e.g. life cycle costs, operating concept) and society (e.g. in terms of density of use, quality of use, service provision in the area). The verification of the data is carried out by SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance) on an annual basis.
The tool provides indications of the energy improvement potential of a building as part of a renovation strategy as well as opportunities for densification, for example by raising the height of the bulding. Several measures along these lines are currently being studied and will be implemented in the coming years.
Maintaining the value of the buildings in the long term requires targeted investments in energy renovations. This expenditure will be valued when the portfolio is revalued. These measures will result in lower heating/hot water costs for tenants and will ensure that the flats remain attractive as constructions with higher energy standards. Indeed, most of Investis’ buildings are very well-located in the city centre, which is generally not the case for new constructions, often located in suburban areas. This makes energy renovation more challenging.
Target achievement in sustainability can only be ensured on the basis of reliable data. High data quality and availability must therefore be given top priority. Reduction paths are calculated, controlled and tracked per property and at the portfolio level. In addition to the energy data of a property, data on the condition of the building and its management is also indispensable. Only with a good data basis can future measures and investments be planned sustainably.
All our tenants were made aware by the property manager of the savings measures to be taken in order to use energy and water rationally in their homes. They have also been informed of the possibility of voluntarily adjusting their monthly service charge instalments.
Investis has always carried out systematic building renovations while keeping the tenants in place, thus responding to the need to maintain the social ties of the inhabitants during the renovation period. Tenants’ wellbeing is at the center of the work teams’ concerns during renovations.
The average rent segment of the portfolio is in the lower-middle price bracket, and 1.8% of the apartments are occupied by people dependent on social services. Investis intends to maintain this affordable rent policy in the long term.
Impact of Covid-19
As the majority of our portfolio is made up of rental buildings, the change in tenant habits has had an impact on the energy consumption of the buildings. Like the vast majority of rental property owners, we have noticed a general increase in energy consumption due to partial lockdowns and working from home. A gradual return to the pre-COVID norm should occur, public health conditions permitting.
Investis combines the strengths of a privately owned company with the financial clout of a listed group. Its organisation is characterised by lean structures with short decision-making paths, trust, transparency, and dialogue. This allows Investis to react swiftly to changing market conditions and seize opportunities as they arise. During the pandemic, this setup has proven to be very efficient.
Energy sources allocation
Fossil energy is used in most of Investis’ buildings. Oil heating systems have been replaced by gas or urban heating where available/possible. 30% of the buildings with oil heating systems have had their systems replaced since 2015.
In order to strive to meet the Swiss federal government’s 2050 objectives with regard to CO2 emissions, Investis is implementing a program to renovate heating systems using non-renewable energy sources by means of more sustainable solutions, such as connection to urban heating for example. It should be noted that this solution depends on the municipal infrastructure that is or will be available in the coming years in the vicinity of the buildings. Similarly, for some buildings with protected facades that make external insulation impossible, alternative solutions will have to be found. Each building requires a precise analysis of the potential for energy efficiency improvements. The necessary adjustments are part of our renovation strategy.
Real estate services
Our service companies strive to optimise their working methods and their consumption of energy, water and other resources, and to reduce and separate waste in their business processes and premises. Therefore we continuously reduce the environmental impact of our activities. There is also a strong focus on digitalisation, especially but not only of work processes, and on the reduction or optimisation of on-site travel.

The group companies Hauswartprofis and Rohr AG are ISO 14001 certified. This standard provides a framework for controlling the environmental impacts generated and aims to bring about continuous improvement in environmental performance. It is a standard that includes staff awareness, but also the handling of external requests and, to a lesser extent, voluntary external communication.
Committed, well-trained employees are a key prerequisite for Investis’ future success. Investis believes that sustainable growth can only be achieved if talents can be attracted and retained. Investis’ employees contribute to the overall success of the Group with their high degree of specialisation. An open culture of discussion, flat hierarchies and our manageable size allow us to efficiently exchange and discuss ideas, information and concerns. Within the framework of collaborative management, as much responsibility and competence as possible should be transferred to employees. Our managers are uncomplicated in their dealings and open to dialogue. Our interaction is based on mutual appreciation, respect, loyalty and responsibility – values that we live by and that are central to us. The Group’s strength stems from the combined efforts of every single person in the organisation, through their commitment to the core values: entrepreneurship, team spirit and integrity.
As we gradually moved out of the pandemic, our employees continued to demonstrate agility in creating new business opportunities, creativity in developing innovative solutions for our tenants and customers, and resilience in dealing with uncertainty.
As at 31 December 2022, the headcount stood at 2,334 employees corresponding to 1,557 full-time equivalents. 36 apprentices are completing their training in various professions at Investis.
Investis supports and encourages diversity and inclusion in the broadest sense of the word, such as ethnicity, age, gender identity, disability, religious beliefs, cultural and educational background. Our diverse workforce is recognised as a key competitive advantage and a major asset in our long-term sustainable business success. Our inclusive culture empowers our teams and makes us more creative and productive.
The goal is to promote equal rights and opportunities for all gender identities across all levels and career paths. The equal treatment of all people in an organisation and in society is a crucial prerequisite for all individuals to be able to put their personality, strengths and unique abilities into helping our Group’s business and into driving innovation. Equality between all gender identities is just one important example of the considerations we make, which encompass many other aspects of diversity too.
Investis is committed to building a great, inclusive work environment and diverse teams that represent the tenants and customers we serve.
No discrimination or harassment of employees, customers or business partners on grounds of their sex, race, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation, disabilities or political or trade union activities are tolerated.
An attractive and safe working environment and high-quality infrastructure are a matter of course for Investis. Balancing work, family, leisure and other responsibilities is also important to us. Investis’ prime objective is to acquire and retain the best employees for the Group. It sees itself as an attractive employer with an open entrepreneurial culture that offers development opportunities. Investis strives to implement reasonable work requirements, fair wages, above-average social security benefits and attractive overall working conditions.
Health & Safety
As a responsible employer, it is our duty to protect our employees’ health, safety and wellbeing. Occupational health and safety is an integral part of the Group’s general management system.
For the Group companies in the Real Estate Service segment in particular, the health and safety of all employees is a top priority. Ensuring personal safety at all times in the properties they operate in and caring for the environment are equally important. They provide appropriate and protective work clothing and keep vehicles, machines and equipment up to date. With thorough instructions and regular training, the Group companies create the basis for a safe and sustainable work environment.
The Facility Services Group companies use chemicals with environmentally friendly surfactants and save water wherever and whenever possible. They select new company vehicles according to current environmental criteria.
As mentioned above, the Real Estate Services Group companies follow an environmental management system according to ISO 14001 and the Nature & Economy Foundation certificate. The environment and economy are thus brought into harmony. These companies promote environmental awareness among all employees and strengthen their environmental behaviour through regular training. A cross-divisional environmental team regularly exchanges experience and know-how on environmental issues so that we can continuously improve.

The Group companies Hauswartprofis and Rohr AG are ISO 45001-certified. This standard helps to improve safety culture and reduce employee stress by providing a framework to improve occupational safety, reduce workplace risks and create better and safer working conditions. This increases productivity (fewer days lost) and enhances the attractiveness of the employer.
Privera and Hauswartprofis have each implemented a Code of Conduct. These set out the rules of conduct to be observed by each internal and external employee at all times, thereby contributing to the protection of the integrity of the Company and its social and environmental context. Investis strives for diversity and promotes equal opportunities irrespective of gender, ethnic origin, skin colour, age, religion or nationality.
Our success and solid reputation are based on the trust of our customers, business partners and employees in the integrity of the Group. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that unlawful actions, violations of the Code of Conduct or other misconduct can be reported accordingly. Investis manages to attract and retain qualified employees for the medium and long term by providing an open-minded, safe and healthy environment.
Investis applies the currently applicable legal framework conditions. It attempts to find solutions that are as suitable as possible for the affected person and their team.