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Share information, bond information

The registered shares of Investis Holding SA have been listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich since 30 June 2016 in accordance with the Standard for Real Estate Companies.

Share price development in the reporting year

The Investis share price started the trading year at CHF 82 and reached its high of the year of CHF 91.60 on 30 December. The share price closed the 2020 trading year at CHF 91.40. Overall, this corresponds to an increase of 11.5%. In the same period, the Swiss Performance Index posted an increase of 3%. 

Source: SIX Exchange

Share price development since IPO on 30 june 2016

The share price shows an excellent performance of +72.5% since entering the capital markets in 2016. 

Source: SIX Exchange

fixed-rate bonds

One bond was repaid in June 2020. All fixed-rate bonds are traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich.


CH 0419040818 1)

CH 0337645516

CH 0361533224

CH 0419041519

Trading currency





Issuing volume

140 million

100 million

180 million

140 million


SIX Swiss Exchange

SIX Swiss Exchange

SIX Swiss Exchange

SIX Swiss Exchange







2 years

5 years

5 years

4 years

Payment date

14 Feb 2019

15 Nov 2016

3 Oct 2017

9 Oct 2019

Redemption date

15 Feb 2021

15 Nov 2021

3 Oct 2022

9 Oct 2023

1) Refinanced with CHF 115 million, a coupon of 0.25% for a tenor of 4 years (15.02.2021-14.02.2025).

Profit Distribution

Since entering the capital markets in 2016, Investis has paid a steady dividend of CHF 2.35 per share.
The Board of Directors will propose an increase in cash dividend to CHF 2.50 per share at its next ordinary General Meeting, to be held on 27 April 2021.